Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Meanderings.

Was up early for coffee with my bride, the I had to take a machine my son rented to the Lumber Yard in Old Monroe Mo. Then right from there I had to drive into St Louis County to Maryland Hts MO. to get the check for the roof job signed by our Mortgage company so we could deposit it and pay for the job, Never again in the height of the morning rush, no wonder Donna leaves at 05:30AM to go to the City of St Louis, what a madhouse, I had a lady sail right onto the highway on an entrance ramp and cut right over when I only had about two cars lengths between me and the car ahead of me, I hit the horn and she was so close I thought she hit the front bumper of the truck, but she just flipped me the bird in the mirror and didn’t stop, When I got to West Port Plaza where I was going I went and looked and there was a little scrape in the chrome like black plastic just like her car. but no obvious damage.

Got home and put the truck in the garage. enough road rage for one day.

Donna called and said we have a new addition to the family. My Son Sam Jr. in NYC has acquired a new Dog which makes him our new Grand dog. He is a Miniature Australian Shepherd named Ralphie. His previous dog passed away in April.



                      Our new Grand dog, Ralphie..

We got the bids over the weekend and Donna faxed them to the insurance company, now we are just waiting to hear from them as to when an adjustor can come out.

Waiting for Nicole to get home from school, not much else going on it’s sunny and 60 degrees, so that will be good for the roof job, the guys are going to work on it a little each night after work and then finish it this weekend.

Everyone be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Notes..

Up about 06;00AM had our morning coffee, Donna got ready about 09:00AM to head for the restaurant, We had a setback on the roof, Danny was sick, which left just my son to work on it, one of his buddies came over, but had never done any roof work, plus we had a cloudy day with two short periods of drizzle, So much for the sunny weekend, But they plugged along all day. but the roof won’t be finished today like they hoped, Danny said he would be over all day tomorrow and Andy said he will work a couple hours after work each night that the weather hold outs until it is finished. Personally I thought two work days wasn’t enough time myself when they told me. They rented a machine to help remove the old shingles so in the morning I will have to take it back while Andy goes to work.

Not much going on besides that. Nicole is home from her Dad’s and that always makes Rigg’s happy, he is always happy if a kid is around.

Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Mumblings.

Well St Louis Is a world champion town, And we can be proud of our Cardinals, plus all the fans, the police reported no problems downtown after the win last night and even no traffic mishaps.Everyone is scrambling today to get there World Champion hats, shirts and other memorabilia. They started making them at 10:45PM That’s when MBA made it okay to sanction the designs. The stores promised to have them in stock by noon today. You couldn’t find a parking space at a Wal-Mart all afternoon.

My Neighbor two doors west of us had a Cardinal display at the end of his driveway, he’s a serious fan.



He must have a workshop with a band saw. 26 Redbirds in all, Hand painted. The mailbox is red too.


Andy and his buddy Danny started bright and early on the roof, It was sunny and 65 this afternoon and there hoping to have it just about finished tomorrow afternoon.




         My son Andy hard at work on the roof..

Adam went home to Warrenton today, he thoroughly enjoyed his four day stay and spent plenty of outside time playing with his buddies, in fact I never did see him turn the x-box on the whole time he was here. He was played out each night and asleep by 09:00PM. That’s when you know a kid had a good day.

Donna headed out about 03:30PM to the Restaurant, she said they called and asked her if she could be a Hostess tomorrow, so another girl could get the day off. Of course she said yes, I like it better when they want to to serve a party because you make pretty good money especially if they drink as in an older crowd.

That’s about it for now, I will start supper soon, I think when the boys are done for the day I will have them order pizza’s and beer after a hard day on the roof.

Everyone have a great weekend, be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..

Friday, October 28, 2011


Up early with my bride and had a coffee for the first time in a few weeks, I have been off the antibiotic so I figured my stomach could take it. Donna headed out to the truck company and then the Restaurant.

How about those CARDS, unbelievable finish last night to game six, now if they can pull it off tonight we will have another Championship here in St Louis. The town is going nuts, car horns blowing, people yelling and laughing, no violence thank God like some other cities.

Been waiting all day so far for the dumper trailer for the old shingles to come off the roof. It was never delivered yesterday. I finally around Noon called the Shingle company and the guy that answered thought the trailer had been dropped off, I said No, unless it’s sitting at the wrong house someplace. He called me back and said he would have one out today, so here I am still waiting. My Son and his buddy wanted to start pulling shingles up after work until dark since it’s not supposed to rain all weekend, They hope to be done Sunday afternoon doing half the roof each day. The house is 2500 sq. feet so I hope they make it.

Adam was out the door at 10AM and so far except for a quick lunch stop he has played with his buddies all day, he will sleep good again tonight, but I think his Mom will be picking him up after she gets off work today. It looks like he enjoyed his three nights at Grandpa & Grandma’s.

Several of my Canadian friends have already headed south into the USA and more will be joining them shortly, One of these days we will join the Birds too. Although once the fiver is back in top shape we will probably make a two week trip to Fla. in March or April. It will be getting warm enough to get in the water at that time of the year down there. Although when I was stationed in Jacksonville and Pensacola us northerners would swim no matter how cold the water was. It was just great to go to the beach on a 70 or 75 degree day.

Well that’s about it for now hope everyone has a great weekend. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Happenings.

Up early as usual here at the Weeb Ranch, Donna headed out to the truck company and then the restaurant.

Then about 7:30AM the truck arrived with the shingles and supplies for reroofing our home. That’s what I like to see, a company that gets an early start. They drove around back and extend the conveyor thing and then in about 30 minutes had all the squares of shingles and tarpaper and nails up on the roof ready for the job to begin.

I am still waiting for the dumpster trailer to be delivered but the guys aren’t scheduled to do the job until Saturday. My son & one of his buddies that owns a roofing company are doing it over the weekend. You won’t se me up there unless it to deliver a soft drink or water to one of them and then I will just hand it from the ladder.


             Ready to start the roof replacement.

Adam had a great day off from school and spent the day playing outside again all day with his buddies that live behind us. The schools are off because of teachers conferences this week.

Well we’ll see if the Cards stay in the Series tonight a must win if they lose they are out.

They will play tonight as no rain is in the forecast but it is a cooler day than last week.

That’s about it from Dardenne Prairie for today, Hope everyone is having a great week. And be safe out there.Sam & Donna….

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Musings.

Up early as usual, Donna was off to the truck company, and then the restaurant.

Had the two Grandkids all day, Nicole is still coughing up a storm, but they played cards and games and some video games and kept busy and both ate a good lunch for Grandpa.

The World Series game was postponed due to rain, a good idea since it is a whole lot better for fans not to have a game started and stopped and endure the rain. We all hope that the Cards will have a burst of energy and be victorious here at home.

About the only thing accomplished on this rainy day here, was getting the dumper down and taking the rolled up carpet and vinyl flooring that Donna & I took out of the fiver down for the trash pickup in the morning.

Pretty lazy day otherwise, getting ready for our long weekend in Branson which starts next Friday, Don’t know if there are any bloggers there, There was one but they are leaving the 30th which is before we get there.

Everybody have a great week. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts.







Up early to see my bride off to work at 05:30AM.

Had two Repair people out yesterday one in the morning and one in the afternoon to get bids on fixing the RV.

After the first one left, I took my drill and took some inner partitions out that were under the sink and enclosed things like the ductwork and water pump. The water pump showed no signs of leakage.

The second guy came and a couple of minutes later said I think I found how the water is getting in here. It was so simple as to be unbelievable and the problem has probably been there since the trailer was built. The outside AC power outlet for stuff you would put outside, when it was installed they used two pieces of double sided tape on each side and never caulked the top or around the outlet. This is supposed to be a water tight outlet but from inside you could see daylight.


           This AC outlet box is the culprit.



See the lack of caulk, the two round black areas are actually holes to the inside where the fiberglass was ground out to mount the outlet.


Board on back wall under the sink shows where water came down and the very bottom behind the duct tube shows a water stain at the edge of the vinyl floor.


The inside wall is still sound with no damage.

All three of the guys that gave us a bid said that the water damage had started a long time ago, and now it looks like shoddy assembly is the reason and it’s had a leak since it was put together. no one ever noticed the lack of caulking or sealing. but you can bet now I am going to go every where on the trailer that has an opening through the shell, don’t forget to check the clearance lights if it’s a light and not just reflector it will have a hole drilled behind it and hopefully a gasket. and double check that it is sealed properly.Might be a good idea for all my blog friends to do the same thing on their rigs and maybe catch something before it gets as bad as mine.

One thing I found out after I got the partitions out, the trailer has heating ductwork running down to the fresh water tank, which means it is probably so equipped on the other tanks, That’s a feature I never knew about but might keep the tanks from freezing if you are camped with the furnace on and get a cold night.

Don’t have a clue what this will do to my insurance claim. but it was nothing I did and had control over. so all we can do is hope. The guy that found it runs an RV Marine Repair business and deals in fiberglass repair also so I think he looked it over for the source of the leak.

Now we will wait for those two bids to be returned to us and go to the claims adjustor.

Nicole was still feeling the effects of her cold and stayed home today from school, I will be going out to Warrenton shortly to pick up Adam, There is no school for the rest of the week so he will be staying here while his Mom works.

Well that’s about it for today, I hope everyone is having a fine week out there, and being Safe.  Sam & Donna…


Hey its Donna. just a small correction to Sam's post yesterday.
As smart as my husband is he gets is ologists mixed up....my appointment was w/ my
cardiologist and he was happy. Happy enough to take me off the blood thinners.....Yeah
no more ugly bruises every time I bump into something.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Meanderings.

Was up at 04:30AM with my bride, then she was off to the truck company, and on the way home she has her every three month Neurologist appointment. So far she has had good results every time since her heart surgery.
Had another RV repair guy, This one is a carpenter, come by and take a look at the floor, he helped me remove the rest of the carpeting, except for the slide out. I was glad to see all the flooring that had been under the carpet was solid and new looking, I also took out some of the partitions and a shelf from under the sink to get more room to see how extensive the damage under there is. This guy said the same thing that they wood that is there is dry now, but at some time, for a long time in the past it was wet. He thinks whatever was leaking was repaired by the previous owner and he did not realize or chose to ignore the fact that the floor under the vinyl linoleum was soaked and damaged. he checked the walls and doesn’t see any traces of water running down from the roof, It said in almost all cases like that there is damage to the inner walls and wall finishing.He was going to e-mail me a bid before Friday and said if the insurance won’t cover it he will work with us to keep the cost down. like Dona and I putting the new top layer of floor covering in. He said what hurts is the amount of hours expended in removing the sink cabinet and fridge cabinet, but that he will try to see if he can maneuver the floor under the fridge cabinet so it won’t need to be removed. only bad part is all the wiring and the converter and fuses are located under the sink cabinet drawers and that all has to be moved to get the floor in.
My buddy MIKE suggested returning the RV to the manufacturer ( Coachman) for the repairs, but without being sure the insurance will cover it and no warranty in effect I doubt we could afford it. A Police Pension and social security only stretch so far. Any way Coachman is out of business and Forest River isn’t honoring any of their service complaints so I doubt they would want to even look at the trailer now plus it’s 2005 which makes it almost 7 years old.
After the RV guy left John Deere and I went out and did  another sweep of the grass, managed to get it stuck in a rut and being alone, I was lucky enough the ground was dry enough to get behind it with my truck and pull it out  with a strap, I should have know I was getting in to far but the next thing I knew the wheels were spinning and I couldn’t back it out.
Nicole is home from school sick today, so I been keeping a check on her on the couch and asking her about once and hour how she feels. just being a doting Grandpa.
I have another RV-Marine repair place coming by at 04:00PM to take a look at it so that will give us three bids. Then it will be up to an insurance adjuster to decide once I have the bid’s.
Were just sick over this as we had water leak trouble with our previous fiver and the dealer I took it to said it would costs more than the trailer was worth to repair, I found the Coachman at his place and he gave us $4000 instead of $3000 on a trade and knocked another $2000 off as an incentive. I stressed when I bought it I was moving up to a hard fiberglass shell body with aluminum frame and joists just to stay away from water problems. But I guess no matter what you have the possibility is always there.
Before I forget Here is a copy of an E-Mail Donna sent to all the family members updating them on Adam’s condition, you are all our blogger family so I wanted to pass it along.
In talking to Shana Saturday all Adams test came back clear.
They are now thinking that he could possibly have ulcers.
He is suppose to limit acidic foods including soda, which of course is a bummer for  a kid today.
She said she has really noticed an improvement.
He was w/ us all weekend and seemed to almost normal again
Though ulcers in someone so young is not good, but other things could be much worse, so we
are really hoping this is what it is. Love Donna.
Hope everyone is having a great day,Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday/Sunday Notes.

       GO CARDS
Saturday dawned a sunny and nice day a little cool in the morning and then it got into the 70’s in the afternoon. Adam called his buddy that lives behind us at 09:30AM to see if he could play, They were out and then he had lunch at his buddy Brandon’s and didn’t get back until 05:00PM. a full day of outdoor play no video games or inside stuff, just what a boy needs. Nicole’s Dad called Friday and asked if she could come over for the weekend so she was gone, so luckily Adam had his buddies to play with, Rigg’s was happy as a lark being outside to bark at the kid’s and get attention every time one of them ran over to give him a pet.
Adam & Rigg’s got into the World Series spirit last night.
Nicole has a jersey so I will get a picture of her when she gets back.
Donna got asked to work at the restaurant on Sunday again, I guess she will be working from 09:00am to 05:00pm.
Adam’s buddies had church this morning so he is waiting to see if they can play again today.
It is another nice day here on Sunday with sunny skies and the temp is supposed to get close to 80 today. Just a gorgeous weekend.
Took Adam back to Warrenton Mo. about 03:00PM then came home to wait for my bride to get home from the restaurant. she got home around 04:00PM, I started some Italian shells with hamburger for supper.
Not much else going on.  Tomorrow I have another guy coming to give an estimate on the trailer, and then I have one more referral to call. There is a Coachman dealer in Eureka Mo. so I may call and get an appointment to take it down there for an estimate also.
Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..

Friday, October 21, 2011




          GO CARDS.

Was up at 04:30AM with my bride and she was off at 05 :30AM to the truck company.

What a heartbreaker last night with the Ball Game. They don’t call them the Cardiac Cards for nothing ,but that’s how baseball is you can be within in a breath of victory and the world comes crashing down. All we can hope for is  better luck and hard work in the next couple games.

Went to Warrenton as school got out to pick up Adam for the weekend , he is looking forward to a weekend with Grandpa & Grandma. His Mom said his tests are better and he is feeling better than last week. He also likes to play with Nicole, they get along like brother & sister.

Rigg’s is a happy dog with the two kid’s here, it gives more ways to get in trouble.

Not much else going on. Hoping the temperatures are a little higher this weekend so I can do something with the kids.

Everyone have a great weekend. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday Happenings.



                  GO CARDS.

We were up at 04:30AM Donna headed out as usual at 05:30AM, She headed to the truck company & then the restaurant..

The big news of the day is our hometown boys the St Louis Cardinals. Prevailed in the first game of the World Series. I know a lot of bloggers are rooting for Texas, and they are a good team. But St Louis is a come from behind underdog team, that somehow manages to get a World Series Crown every so often. I remember back in the Days of Ozzie Smith, and Vince Coleman and the others when runs were manufactured by stealing bases and just darn good hitting and fielding. Texas is a powerhouse so we will see if our underdog Cardinals can pull it off. Just so you know when they aren’t playing the Redbirds I enjoy rooting for the Cubs, Now there is an underdog if there ever was one, I can still here Ole Harry Cary yelling “Holy Cow, the Cubs win” into the radio mike.

I think the neatest thing about having a World series here in St Louis is the hundreds of fans it brings into the area and the boost for the downtown economy. It is just a contagious good time feeling and everywhere you go you can feel it in the air and see it in all the red jerseys that are wherever you look, even the old ladies at the grocery store have there Cardinal shirts on and caps too.

Nicole and Adam have their jerseys and caps, I will try to get a picture for the blog this weekend.

Here in Dardenne Prairie, Indian summer is over and Fall is definitely in the air, it was 47 for the high today even with the sun out and we had a good wind. Nicole has her coat on when she heads for the bus in the morning. I went down to bring the dumper back in short sleeves and it was a cold 47 with the wind blowing.

Didn’t go anywhere today, at this rate I’ll get several weeks out of a tank of diesel. We’ll make up for it when we go to Branson next month.

Rigg’s has been in & out many times today, he must know winter is coming and wants to take advantage of as many nice days as he can.

Not much else going on. which is good, still waiting to hear from the insurance company on the trailer, I ran the slide in. and I am going to wait on blowing out the lines unless we get freezing weather predicted. They might want to charge the water lines to see if a leak is in one of them.

Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Musings.

Up with my bride at 04:30AM, she was off to the truck company and then the restaurant at 05:30AM.

Did some blogging and spent a slow morning it was cold and damp here all day so far, no sun and it doesn’t look like it will get above 50 degrees.

One of my commenters said he didn’t think the insurance would cover it if it was a leak from inside, At this point we don’t have a clue where the leak came from. I am hoping when they send and adjuster out he will help and determine this, either way, with comprehensive I would hope it would be covered as long as it wasn’t negligence by the owner. We will just have to wait and see, and hope for the best.

The World Series will be off to a cold start, I hope that doesn’t effect the outcome.Tonight is game one at 07:30PM.

The furnace has been running pretty steady today, first time for this year, The truck didn’t leave the garage and neither did I today, the only thing I will be leaving for is to walk the dumpster down since it’s Wednesday. That’s about it for today, Nicole wore a Cardinals Jersey and hat to school today, the kid’s were allowed to dress up for it. She’s excited about the world series.

That’s about it for today. Everyone have a great week. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna….

Tuesday Thoughts.

Up with my bride at 04:30AM and then she was off to the truck company at 05 :30AM.

We have a separate policy on the fiver with State Farm, so I called my agent and told him about the leak and floor damage, he said he wasn’t sure but it might be covered under the comprehensive section so he is turning in a  claim. At least it is a try to get some help paying for it.'

I also want to WELCOME my two newest follower’s 126 & 127. WILLIAM MCKIBBON is first, I couldn’t find a blog listed for him , you have one send us the url. Number 127 is JOLLY OLLIE ,Couldn’t find a blog for him either.

Hope you guys enjoy following the happenings and antics here at the Weeb Ranch, seems like with Rigg’s and the Grandkids there is never a dull moment.

Also the trouble with the fiver will keep us occupied and busy until the snow flies around here. Maybe I better do one more cut and put the snow plow on John Deere, that might help keep the snow away for awhile longer.

That’s about it for today. Be safe out there, Sam & Donna…..

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Meanderings.

Up at 04:30AM with my bride, I must say I had a fit full night thinking about the damage to the fiver. Donna Googled the RV Tech who came and gave us the estimate, and he was clean with the Better Business Bureau  here in MO. but she found one complaint in some RV repair link, where he did a repair in March of this year to a travel trailer of a roof leak and siding,and the leak came back and the trailer owner was not pleased with his work and rated it poor. It was also a $2500 job. I think that finished him with us. He did charge $50 to come out and make the estimate and said if we had him do the repairs he would deduct it from the costs. I guess I’d rather be out $50 than $2500.

I went our and took some pictures to post, wherever the leak is it is under the cabinets and between the hot water heater and the sinks, it is not wet to the touch under there but sometime it was leaking as you can see. we have to see what cause this first before doing to much repair work.

Yesterday morning Donna and I ripped up all the tile flooring and peeled the edge of the carpet back, there is no damage to the half of the floor under the carpeting. We are going to remove the carpet from the rest of the floor except for the slide out when we put the new floor and a hard covering down.


As you come in the door out from under the sink cabinet to just under the edge of the rug on right.


   Moving forward in front of sink cabinet. The light color is dry and hard.Only soft spots are where it is actually black.


The damage ends at the door under the fridge and hot water heater.


Another view of the end.


Overall view rear to front showing all damaged areas, anything under the cabinet will have to be replaced also.

Were looking at about 4-5 feet on the right side of the floor the left 4-5 feet is clean and hard and should be good to go.

As you can see this is going to be a pretty good job for whoever does it. We are both sick over it. The Tech did say that it was probably leaking and wet over a long period of time possible when we bought it. He said it takes several years for the wood to get like it is in several places. I know I noticed the one soft spot by the door at the end of last summer. and we just put off having it checked until now.

Sure wished I lived close to Steveo and Karen as I would tackle the job myself if I had a partner in crime with some RV knowledge.

I like the idea about having a carpenter look at it, maybe I can find someone that will do that. Right now we are kind of at an impasse until we decide which way to go.

I appreciate the help and comments. Just another rock in the road to full timing, but we will get their someday and in a fiver that is “Much, Much Better Than New”.

Be safe out there. Sam & Donna….


Hey, Its Donna.  If you read Sam's blog from yesterday you know we have some problems with the fiver. The guy who came yesterday for some reason did not set well with me.  He is recommending doing a 3/8" overlay of plywood over the existing floor.  Now it is wet and mildewed. He said he has mildew cleaner and driers that would dry out the existing wood.  I am concerned about leaving the old rotting wood there. And
I think the price of 2500.00 is a little steep considering he is just going to put the wood and lineoleum in.
Need your advice or experience in this.....Is putting new wood over old a good idea??
Thanks to all who respond

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday/Sunday Notes.

Saturday was a nice lazy sunny day around the ranch, Donna was home during the day, and then about 04:00PM went into the restaurant. not much else went on.

Sunday we were up at 06:00AM about 08:30AM I took Donna’s car for an oil change, Then when I got back Donna & I went out to the fiver and ripped up the tile floor over the soft spots, our worst fears were confirmed as we had water damage in two spots. I got the number of two RV techs to have them come out and look and give us an estimate on the costs of repairs. One called back and came out and spent about an hour inspecting it and then said if we replace the bad wood and then put a linoleum covering and also remove the rug from the main floor section. This is all following finding and repairing the leak to begin with so it won’t just start right up again, he said were looking at about $2000-2500 to repair it and have it stronger and better than new. It is amazing how thin the wood and floor material is in an RV.

Were stuck because this will be our home so we have to have it fixed. and yes I want it better than new. Were both all for getting rid of almost all the carpet, the only carpet left will be on the slide out and that would go to but it is a bigger job than the rest of the floor.

So now we will see what the other Tech says and go from there.

Just what we need now is more expense.

Anyway that’s what's going on now at the Weeb Ranch, If anyone else has had flooring work let us know what you think about the pricing.

Everyone be safe out there, Sam & Donna……

Friday, October 14, 2011


Up early with my bride, then at 08:15AM I jumped in the truck and headed to my Doctor’s office in St Peter’s MO.

Has three months gone by so fast, seems like I just went for the last visit a couple weeks ago. Anyway he gave me the once over and drew my blood and then went over all the numbers and said my numbers were still great and to get more exercise, He always tells me that.So now I’m good for another 3 months or 3000 miles. Oh he gave me a flu shot and said it’s a good idea as you get older to have one each fall around this time.

I had to go to the computer shop and get a memory stick for my Latitude laptop, seems one of them stopped working, it had two 512MB sticks, but actually one of the slots is dead, so he put in a 1 gig stick in the remaining slot and that brought me back to 1 gig of memory. If the other slot quits I will be able to use the laptop as a paperweight so I hope I get a few more years out of it.

Nicole is home and glad to be off of school now for the weekend. The weather today was cloudy but dry and in the mid 70’s, I can live with that, it’s a confortable range.

Well that’s about it for today, just a lazy day here at the Ranch. Hope everyone is having a good week. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…….

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday Happenings.

Was up early with my bride, and then she was off to the truck company & restaurant.

Today will be a short blog don’t know what happened but the day just seemed to rush by. Samantha wanted to surprise my son Andy with a night out to the see the Cardinals play the Brewers tonight in post season play, I got on the internet and after several false starts I located two tickets for $60 US a piece in the terrace section on the first base line. Total for just tickets was $127US , But the kids were happy and they claim will pay us back after pay day. So Nicole and I will hold down the fort. Figure with just one small trip to the snack bat and parking fees this will be a $175 dollar night, but also the thrill of a lifetime for these two young people.

Were hoping for the miracle of a world series here in St Louis again. We have had had several while we lived here and it is really a rush for the whole area. So far we have avoided the excesses shown by fans in some other areas.

Not much else doing. everyone be safe out there. Sam & Donna……

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday Musings.

Made it up at 04:30AM with my bride,we had a pretty good thunder storm going when we got up.Donna was out the door at 05:30AM for the truck company and then the restaurant.

Caught up on blogging this morning and then made our hotel reservations for our Branson trip and also booked a Dinner show on the Branson Belle. Tony Orlando has a show with free admission for Veterans that week so we will be going to that. I will have to see what else Donna would like to see as I have been to most all the religious & comedy shows when I was bus driving and taking groups down there.

Well Rigg’s is in trouble again. He’s going to try and explain his way out of it.

Guess I was a bad boy the other day but I just couldn't help myself.

You see my Mom had baked some cupcakes and had them on the counter....ALL DAY....

and I was very very good, but boy could I smell them.  Then that night I saw Andy come in a take one, so I figured they were fair game....honestly I was only going to take one, really....but boy that 1st one tasted so good, it was chocolate and had a gooey chocolate stuff inside.  I couldn’t help myself.  I made a big mistake though the 4th one I took in the living room where Mom was watching TV, guess she heard the sound of the paper thingy around the cupcake (that part didn’t taste so good) and I was busted..

She thought I only had the one until Andy ratted me out by saying he had only 1, why couldn’t he have said he had more.  I got called bad dog a few times.  I know I worried her because I heard her and Andy talking, she went on the computer to find out if the cupcakes could hurt me, but found that it should be okay because I'm such a big guy.

Now how can something that tastes so good be bad for me !...Mom watched me like a hawk, guess she just wanted to make sure I was not going to be sick.

Now as far as the trash thing, I see Nicole all the time have one of those round hollow things in her glass, so why can't I have one. Mom said the day that I can drink my water through a straw is the day I can have all I want.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to do that....wouldn’t it be neat !

Sorry Sadie didn't mean to almost smoosh you when you were on Mom's lap the other day, but every time she sat down you wanted on her lap and wanted to sleep and have her pet you, guess I got a little jealous.  Didn't know you weren’t feeling good, and I know when you don't feel good the best place in the world is on Mom's lap.

Of course with me only a little bit of me fits on her lap, but still makes me feel better.


See I'm sorry you aren’t feeling good.

Well, guess I'll woof at everyone later....I'll be better tomorrow I promise


Good news our blog friends JUDY & EMMA finally got the brakes on the motor home repaired after being stranded at the garage in Indiana for several weeks. I think if it would have taken much longer she would have had to register to vote there.WE wish them well now in their travels.

Been pretty much of a do nothing day, the truck stayed in the garage all day and about the only project will be getting the dumper down to the end of the driveway for the morning pickup. Rigg’s is on watch for the school bus and his buddy Nicole, she is due any minute.

That’s about it for today, Adam went back to school this morning so far we don’t know when the next procedure will be scheduled. Everyone Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…….

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts.

Slept in and missed my bride leaving,don’t know what happened, but I remember Donna getting out of bed at 04:30AM, the next thing I knew I opened my eyes and the clock said 600AM in big red letters, “Oh No “I missed her leaving at 05:30AM.

I know I haven’t been to clear about what is wrong with Adam. Donna sent an e-mail to family members and friends this morning and I am including it as it is so much better than anything I have come up with so far. She truly is the brain of the outfit. For all our Blog Family…

Felt so sorry for Adams mom, talking to her last night she is just so frustrated and upset.

Poor guy has been going thru so much and is getting sicker rather than better and they have

no idea at this time what is wrong with him.

They will have full results of these biopsies next week.

He has been having nose bleeds, stomach pain and is tired and listless(sp?) He has lost some weight

and he wasn’t a big kid to begin with.

next step is they will have him swallow one of those cameras that looks like a big pill that will travel his

whole digestive system. then after that the allergists.

Of course the not knowing is what is so stressful on everyone....at least if you know what the cause is

you can plot a course of action and go from there.

I know a few years back when I was having issues with passing out, test after test after test and the inconvenience

the time and the just plain yuckiness of test were not as bad as the 'no results'

So we are all just trying to wait this thing out.  I feel in my heart that its going to be something very simple

that is being overlooked, possibly a food allergy.

Thought I'd just let all of you know what was going on..

We are all hoping here for some conclusion to all this soon. As I said he is just one sick little boy and I feel so helpless with nothing I can do to help him get well.

I may have mentioned it but Donna & I will be going to Branson MO. on about the 4th Of Nov.for a little getaway of a about 4-5days. We have decided since motel rates can be had so cheap we will stay in one and leave the fiver at home. I have already drained it and emptied the fridge and food out of the storage closets so it will be easier than if we had to load it back up again and dewinterize it, just for a couple nights.It is Veterans Week in Branson from the 4th until the 11th and several of my old Navy Helicopter squadron guys will be there. The one is from my hometown of Scranton. Be fun for us old rotorheads to get together, and maybe force down a beer or two. Men don’t say much to spouses and family about their military time. But I have always shared some one on one time with Adam and my boys when they were youngsters and had questions of me.  They only see the glorious TV & Movie side of it and I always emphasized it was fun but also serious business and in Adam’s case I stress a college education in case he decides he wants to fly like Grandpa did.

Rigg’s is sitting here waiting for his buddy Nicole to hit the back door from school. I can hear it already when he tries for a kiss and a facelick. Nicole coming into the kitchen is like someone turning another light on, it sure brightens a Grandpa’s day.

Well that’s about it for today here at the Weeb Ranch, it’s been a bit cloudy off and on all day but in the 70’s.

Everyone have a great day out there. and be safe. Sam & Donna…


Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Meanderings.

Well Adam was at the Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital at 12:30PM. His procedure was scheduled for  02:00PM. I don’t know the name for it but what they were doing is going down from the top with a scope and checking his throat and upper GI system. They had to take a couple samples for biopsy. Adam was put under for this procedure.It lasted a couple of hours. So far the can say that they haven’t found anything wrong and he will be scheduled for several other tests, and also a thorough going over by an Allergist. We are absolutely frustrated by not being able to nail down a cause for what is going on with him. He is a sick little boy tonight. I know he is looking forward to more medical procedures.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement in this matter, I wish there was a better outcome today.

It’s been a long day for all of us. So I will say Good Night. Sam & Donna..

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saturday-Sunday Notes.

Saturday started early, there was a knock on the trailer door at 07:30AM and two of Adam’s buddies he played with Friday night were there and asked if he could play and go on a bike ride. That was it he was off like a flash and played all morning except for a chocolate milk break for the boys. About 12:30PM he came in and had lunch and said the boys were packing up and leaving.  Then about 01:30PM Shana, Adam’s,  Mom arrived at the campground and said she needed to pick him up early as the sleepover was starting earlier than she thought.

So Grandpa just relaxed on a beautiful sunny day and enjoyed the nice weather,about 03:00PM 2 popup trailers, 2 RV trailers, and a couple of tents showed up ,and the kid population increased by about 10 of all ages. The word got out that a guy that looked like Santa was in the big trailer on the end ,so I had a stream of young visitor’s. In the evening some of the Mom & Dad’s came by and had a beverage with me and said the kid’s really enjoyed my stories. That to me is what camping is about. Anyway I called it a night about 4 beers or at 10PM whichever came first.

Sunday I was up at 05:30AM had the coffee ready and watched a great campground sunrise, No pictures due to the tree’s in the way. I started at about 10AM and got everything stowed and ready for travel. pulled over to the dump station and drained and flushed all the tanks as much as I could including the water heater & fresh water tank. Sometime this week I will blow out all the water lines. and add a gallon of pink stuff to the grey & black water tank and all the traps, and then put the winter battery maintainer on it. Then unless we do get away sometime this winter, It will be ready to hibernate for the winter.

After I got home and got the fiver parked on the pad. I went in and I could hear Rigg’s crying for his Daddy, he was so excited to see his Daddy after 4 days away.

Donna had her Lumix camera handy,


MOM. open the door, Dad’s home I can hear him.


O’Boy, O’Boy here he comes Mom, He’s Home…


              I sure missed you Dad, I Love you.


I know you have to give Sadie lovin too, but I want a hiney rub.


                        Two arms and two dog’s.

Well, had a great time at the campground and the weather was just perfect no rain sunny skies, a small breeze but everyone had their awning down and no worries about the wind kicking up, just a great time to relax. And the new recliner got put to good use.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I will be late posting tomorrow with Adam’s procedure scheduled for about noon. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Had a great nights sleep was up at 06:00AM, it was 63 degrees, sat on my picnic bench and enjoyed watching the day start at the campground, found a wi-fi spot that was unlocked about a block from the campground. The Dell Wi-FI hardware in my laptop includes a utility program which has a tab called site monitor, when you click on it it shows all the wi-fi hot spots transmitting and if they are locked or not. it also shows the signal strength and usually anything above very low (about 12bps) will give you a lock on to mail and the internet.I just happened to see it and left it on while I was driving out of the campground within a block I saw an unlocked 24bps signal, and posted my blog and received my mail. All in just a few minutes time. I sure appreciated whoever's signal I borrowed.

At about 11:00AM I went to Warrenton MO.and picked Adam up and we came back to the campground, their are a couple other boys his age here so he is happy. He can only stay one night because he has a sleepover tomorrow with some of his friends from school.

He is going to the hospital Monday to have some more test’s done, this is related to the stomach problems and earlier stays in the hospital. they still haven’t nailed down what his problem is. I know one of the test’s is a colonoscopy so he will be put under during that one. He has asked Grandpa to go with him because he said he is a little scared. I told him sure I will right there with you when you wake up. Last year I was in PA. when he had his last procedure in the hospital, hope they get this all cleared up while he is still young.Grandpa is a little scared too.

We will be going out to pick up some wood and the after supper we will start a nice campfire and sit next to it for awhile until he is tired, you can tell he isn’t himself as he took a nap on the couch for about an hour this afternoon after bike riding he just doesn’t have his normal energy.


  Playground got good use, Adam is on the left.



                      Time for a campfire.

Well that’s it for today, hope everyone is having a great day,Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday Happenings.

Was up at 04:30am with my bride, Had a chocolate milk. Donna was off to the truck company and then the restaurant.

About 07:00AM I hitched up the fiver and then headed to the Lake with a short stop at the grocery store on the way, when I arrived I found out I still don’t have wi-fi at the  office, so I will have to make a run to McDonalds in the morning to post a blog and check my mail.

Got up to the campground and found out I had my spot number 15 all to myself ,


                          Spot 15 at the Lake,

The weather is predicted to be sunny until Monday highs right at 80 degrees and night time temps in the 50’s just perfect camping and sleeping weather. I opened up the screens and put the Max Air fan on and the inside of the trailer is just right with a nice breeze from a fan. No A/c needed. I would think that later today and evening we should have a few more campers come in. with the nice weekend predicted. The guard said to rigs left right before I got there today and they had been in spots 14 & 16. With their cars parked on 15.

Had to try out my new recliner.



                Is this living right or what.

Plus a train movie in surround sound, can’t do that at home but here with nobody nearby I can play it as loud as I want.

All the trees are just starting to change color and lose their leaves,



                Two views from inside the fiver.

Just saw another trailer pulling in so I will have a neighbor tonight, hope I know him and he drink beer.

Well that’s about it I have to get a hold of Adam and get him out here tomorrow and pick up Rigg’s too.

Everyone be safe out there, Sam & Donna…..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Musings.

Up early with my bride, so I had a glass of juice. I am abstaining from coffee until after I run out of my antibiotic just to try and keep ahead of gastric distress. Donna was off to the truck company and then the restaurant. Being a Wednesday it was wash day, and dumper day today, so I did about 5 loads and cleaned out all the hampers and then took the dumper down to the end of the drive for tomorrows morning pickup.

That was the extant of my chores, not a bad day at all.

Read a few blogs about Canadian Health care issues, one commenter lives in one province in western Canada and the other is on the eastern seaboard side. It appears that instead of a National Coverage, each province administers it’s own system, so there must be great differences with the richer provinces providing better service. I don’t know that such a system would work here since about half of our states are on the verge of bankruptcy or not meeting their bills now. Just like Washington. Don’t know what the answer would be. Ever wish we could start over and not have as many grandiose politicians to waste the money. Oops there it is the word politics, don’t want to be in the bear pit so I will back away from this one. I know this though it sure has impacted OUR (Donna & I ) plans as far as full timing and when we can start and she can retire. Oh well unless we can find a miracle plan that is affordable it will be almost 3 years before were eligible for Medicare so a lot of younger and luckier people will be leaving before us.

No use ranting or ravin , life is what it is, and we have to thank God for what we do have, Healthy family, great Grandkids and enough to eat with a roof over our heads. even enough for two families to eat so we are Blessed and a lot of times don’t know it.

Hope all of our blog friends are having a good week out there and enjoying their families and travels. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts.

Up at 05:30AM just as my bride was leaving, read some blogs and laid around on the couch.

I have been thinking about an upgrade for the fiver. It came with two swivel rockers, but they did not recline.

Our friends in Wisconsin STEVEO & KAREN had just found two recliners for a great price of of $169 for their motorhome. The only  drawback was the chairs were at a chain called Menards. The closest Menards to Dardenne Prairie is in Columbia MO. about 77 miles, or a half a tank of fuel away for a round trip. Not quite  a half but I figured about 45 dollars in diesel to go get one.

I decided to wait until later or if a better deal came along rather than make the trip. Yesterday, My bride ever the accountant handed me a Sunday paper ad for Rothman’s Furniture and it had a Columbus Day Sale ad with a rocker recliner like the one at Menards for $144. She said why don’t you go and check this one out. Plus it’s in O’Fallon MO. only 2 miles from home on the north service road.

Look what I came home with, they had one left and that was okay as Donna didn’t want a recliner.



                          Out with the old.


                             In with the New.

It fits in just right and now I can watch TV in style, maybe even catch a snooze too.I think it fits in with the darker trim on the couch too. I did have to remove the back to get it in the fiver, and I was alone so it was a little bit of a lift, but all went well and in about 30 minutes I was good to go.

Another great sunny day here at the ranch, it is supposed to hit 83 degrees today and be like this for the next 5 days. I can see maybe a final trip to the Lake later in the week maybe Thursday and come back on Sunday. That way when I get back all the tanks will be flushed clean and empty and I can drain the water heater and then all that will be left will be to add a gallon of pink stuff to each tank and pour some in each trap after blowing out all the water lines and low points.

Well we are waiting for Nicole to get home, Rigg’s will be right there by the back door ready to sneak a kiss and a lick in at she comes in the door.Nicole will squeal, “Rigg’s stop” like she always does and Grandpa will just laugh. What a great way to have the afternoon go by. What would we do without those little “Life’s moments” that happen all the time but a lot of times go unnoticed. Children are so much a part of those times and make a house sure come alive. I sometimes think of all the little moments I missed as my boys were growing up and I was away at work and not there to notice it.

Everyone be safe out there, or as Sgt Esterhaus used to say at the end of rollcall,“ just be careful out there”..  Sam & Donna…….

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Meanderings.

We were up at 04:30am, Donna had coffee, I had a glass of choc milk. Donna was off to the truck company at 05:30AM.

Pretty much another  nice sunny day like the weekend today, temps in the 70’s, we are really lucky with this Indian summer weather. Fridays forecast is for a high of 85.

MIKE left a comment on the pictures I posted, most of the old ones I have in print form from the 60’s, I did take some 35mm slides, and  luckily for me my Brother had a slide scanner which makes really nice digital images, the only down side to slides are they are starting to shift to a orangie or reddish color aft about 40 years of age.Even Kadochrome have started and they are the best of any.

Probably the best bargain I ever made was when I was looking for a printer last year that I could take with me in the fiver. I stumbled onto the forty dollar wonder at Wally World, A Canon PIXMA 250. it is an all in one, scanner, copier, and printer and compact in size. The biggest surprise was how nice it scans prints. I had an old UMAX 600dpi flat scanner that at 600 dpi barely did the job. But this Canon puts out over 2000dpi and gives you a really nice and sharp digital image. I have rescanned a lot of pictures that I had done previously done on the flat  scanner. Even the prints though are color fading so if you have old pictures now is the time to digitize before they are faded beyond repair. Picassa will help in bringing some of the original color and life back into them if they are not to far gone.


This is an example of a print, taken in about 1980. believe it or not a 3x3 in. Polaroid that had started to fade and was scanned into Picassa with the Pixma. Not perfect but a lot better than it was.

Nicole is home from school now. waiting for Donna to hit the door.

Not much going on, So I will say See Ya for now. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday-Sunday Notes.

Decided to combine the weekend posts again, just laziness and not much going on, the weather here has been a great Indian Summer type, sunny all day temps in the upper 70’s to low 80’s, but then cool in the 40’s at night. the furnace kicks on early in the morning hours. Supposed to be sunny all week according to the forecast. Have to stock up on a cord of good wood to add to what we have left from last winter.
Went through some of my old pictures, I never tire of the old Navy stuff, hope you guys out there don’t either.
No turning back. F-8 Crusader at the end of the cat shot, notice the bridle cables flying off the front.
For Steveo & Karen in Wisconsin, the USS Wisconsin BB63 and the USS Shangri-La CVA38,(one of my old ships) tied up in the Mothball fleet in Phila PA. in 1985.Shangri-La went to scrap, The Wisconsin was luckier and is designated a Museum ship in Norfolk Va. now.
USSSgangri-LaCVA38Mayport Fla.
For Jim & Dee, USS Shangri La at Mayport Fla.in 1967. They love the Fam Camp there.
A Family picture, My son Tim’s ship the USS Rentz a guided missile Frigate, with a UH-3d from my old squadron HC-2, and a new SH60 in the back, Persian Gulf,1990.
Nobody get’s close to the big guys. That’s a .50cal by the way.
Hope the vets out there enjoy those pictures as much as I do.
It always amazed me back then which was way before GPS and modern satellite technology how we managed to find our way out on the ocean. The ocean, any ocean is an endless place, sure if you were close to the ship they could find you on radar but in the 60’s, even that had it’s limits, so you had to depend on radio beams, Tacan, and dead reckoning, wonder how that got it’s name. I think of that every time I see a picture taken at sea where you are surrounded on all sides by endless water and no horizon. Add to that nighttime and clouds and storms and it get worse.
Now we have the laptop, and the GPS in the truck wherever we go and were on highways with numbers and signs. Sure have come a long way in 40 years.
Donna is at the restaurant today(Sunday) for a day shift, so maybe she will get home at a decent hour tonight.
Hey, how about a train picture?
For my Canadian friends, a Bullet nosed Betty. This ones for you Don.
Well that’s about it for today, Hope everyone is having a good weekend and all those traveling south have clear weather and safe driving conditions. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…