Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday Happenings.

For the first time we are having a warmer day, and it is above freezing, started out this morning at 25 degrees. Now at 02:00PM it is 46 degrees and we are starting a little melting outside. I even got into the spirit of things with a short sleeve shirt.
Helped my Son with his car, it failed the safety inspection, one brake pad had oil in it from a leaking axle seal.It needed new wiper blades, and had a burned out bulb he missed.I changed the wipers for new ones and put a new bulb it, Andy will put the pads on this afternoon and tomorrow he can get it passed, and get his sticker for his license plates that have been expired a couple days.
First he had to wait a week while the machine they use to measure emissions was fixed, it passed that but he was already late on the sticker.
Once that’s renewed we have two years on all the cars, but my truck has to be renewed every year in December because it has an 180000 lb plate.
Other than that nothing much going on, Donna has the night watch at the restaurant tonight, and me and Rigg’s have the home guard.
Hope all is well with everyone in blogland. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……..


  1. We switched locations to Goliad,TX, and the even tho our water line froze last night, it is warming up nicely...65 degrees this afternoon and the next week looking mid 70's!!

  2. We had a fairly nice day here today. Got up almost to 60, with clouds but no rain. Took the poochies for a walk and enjoyed the weather. Glad you were able to help Andy with his car.

  3. Sounds like you are having a heat wave at 46F.
