Another great day here in Dardenne Prairie sunny all day and right at 90 degrees. I was lucky to be able to get about 3/4’s of the grass mowed before it was to hot for me.Yesterday I got a replacement front tire for John Deere and put it on, then I cut the back acre.
Today I was cutting the side area it is about a 3.4 acres square with several trees along both sides. A squadron of blue jays was scrambled to intercept us since thy must have nests in the trees, those jays are very aggressive diving at maximum speed to within a few feet of you. They must have been taught fighter tactics in Germany as they use either the Ketten (4 plane) or schwarm (6-8 plane) formations and each leader has a wingman.
I’ll bet Judy could add to this observation, it is amazing that something as large and loud as a tractor with a human on it does not intimate them in the least. Several times I thought They were going to collide with me, but they did some amazing aerobatics.
Still have about 1/4acre to finish but that area has some real wet spots so I am hoping for another hot day or two to do some more drying out.
Today is Donna’s only day off she is relaxing and enjoying it. I was going to go out with her to supper but the heat got to me, so she said, why don’t we just make some busketti. Good enough for me, I never turn down Italian food.
That’s about t for today, hope all is well with all our friends, be safe out there. Sam & Donna………..
Jim often feels that way after a full day of fishing. Let's not go out, just fix something easy and good at home. With all the rain we're having I can see the weeds and grass growing right in front of me. As soon as the sun comes out again, we're going to have to mow. Sure wish we had a riding mower.
ReplyDeleteKnow the feeling of too hot to dress up and go the time I shower and get dressed, I need another shower...but we have no A/C here...