We are now in our fourth day of 95 plus heat here n the bustling burgh of Dardenne Prairie. wish we were a big enough town to have a city swimming pool.Have let the blog sit for a couple weeks, WE have had some trying days with Donna’s health. she is having breathing problems and attacks of dizziness. Saturday my Son called the paramedics to the house when she passed out in the kitchen. They checked her heart and determined it was doing fine, they then checked her medications and determined a new prescription was causing the problems. She made an appointment for yesterday with her Doctor and she had new medication prescribed, we shall see how this goes, she said she still had some dizziness today.
WE are having the hall bathroom redone, new drywall, tiles and flooring due to leaks over the years, that should be done this week, the carpenter who is doing it is working hard and he will be repairing a wndow and sash n n Kitchen bath, and other repairs before he is done. He was supposed to do it while we were out of town this summer, but he was in a bad car accident, and is just now back to work on a reduced schedule, these jobs here have no time limit, and we told him if he gets tired or stressed to quit for the day and relax.
I have some pictures of my Grand girls in New Jersey.

Dude & Meghen

Meghen & Turtle.

Meghen and newborn donkey.

Katie on board.

Meghen & Katie canoeing.

Rigg’s and Charlie chilling.
That’s about it for today, while Donna is feeling under the I am putting off any more camping until she feels better. I was going to take a week or so and Rigg’s and I go out by the railroad and then swim at the campground but I will wait until Donna’s health improves. Hope all our friends are doing fine out there. Be safe. Sam & Donna………..