As many of you know my one Son Tim and his girlfriend Bonnie along with the Granddaughters live in Farmingdale New Jersey on the coast on a a horse farm.Just heard from them they had in excess of 20 inches of snow and high winds causing drifting, As Bonnie said.”Got alot over 20in.wind is howling, its like a hillbilly hoedown tractors 4wheelers built a 7 feet tall igloo no time to complain livin it up, we are trying to drum up some a set of skis to get pulled by the horses with.when life gives you lemons make lemonade
Bonnie on her Tanger ATV.
Grand Katie & Bonnie.
Bonnie at the store.
Can’t wait to see the horses pulling a sleigh ski’s my Son Tim will find someway to get them out and exercising.I wonder how long the Grand’s will be off school, They just don’t have snow removal equiptment in South Jersey.
By comparison we only got a couple inches jere at the weeb Ranch.Good to hear alls well and he kid’s are making the best of it. Lots of food in the freezer and a warm house. Have fun kid’s…….