Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday Thoughts.

Not much news from the bustling Metropolis of Dardenne Prairie MO. Where the Weeb Ranch is centrally and scenically located.

Yesterday our first floor tenants at the Bird Motel threw a party for all their friends, Donna catered it with fresh bird seed.

birdmotelpartytime11-05-13aThey were all well behaved and just a little bit noisy when someone tried to take more than his share.

Nothing going on today, had to make a run to Schnucks to pick up one of my prescriptions. That it it for being out and about, it was a mist cold and cloudy day, so I spent the rest of the day on the laptop.

Donna just left for work and Andy is making spaghetti for supper, so I am just sitting here enjoying a cold (frosted glass) High Life light, just might have another after this one.

That’s about it for today, just be safe out there and enjoy your travels. Sam & Donna……………

1 comment:

  1. Small house for the birds looks very cute and beautiful...
