Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts.

Up at at em early again, then Donna was off to the truck company, Before I forget like I did yesterday, I have a new follower,GYMNONR, Welcome aboard Al, I hope you enjoy reading about the Dardenne Prairie Gang and our antics, trips and preparation for full timing.

Also yesterday my favorite Talian girl, NELLIE, asked if you could get to see a picture of me in my police uniform, Boy did that cause a scramble here, to think I spent more than 38 years of my life in different uniforms and I managed to find 4 from my PD days, I have one of when I was Chief at the Lake. Anyway, I am doing this reluctantly because the only ones I could find were at award ceremonies, or nearing retirement. All I will say about the awards is we worked a busy district, so stuff happened and a lot of guys got commendations.

Sgt Sam1990 

              Sgt Sam 1990

Chief Chapman, Sgt Weibel, Mayor1994

         Chief, Me & the Mayor 1994


          Mayor, Me & City Administrator, 1995


My Wife Donna, ME & my son Andrew, 1995

I have a bunch of police car pictures, but my absolute favorite is this one on the motorcycle.


As you can see right before I retired we changed from the LAPD style uniform to the MO Hwy Patrol style uniform.

The lighter blue was dressier looking and was cooler in the summer with a bullet proof vest under it.


Donna, Adam & Me When I was Chief at the Lake. 2001.

Thats enough for pictures for today, but I did take Rigg's to the Vet this morning to have his stitches removed, The Vet said he has healed just fine, I was really proud of him as he just laid there and let her snip them out and didn't move or make a sound when she pushed and prodded to make sure everything felt okay inside. But boy was he a happy camper when I said okay show Daddy his truck. I guess that officially makes him a Gelding now, but I know three girls named JODIE,COCO&SANDY. in Florida who will be glad of his change.

Not much going on in Dardenne Prairie today, the Sheriff's deputy stopped a speeder in front of the house, so that's about it for the excitement for today. I am glad they do check speed once in awhile , the limit is 35mph, and most cars wizz by at 50 or more. It was different when it was a two lane country road, but now with all the houses' and kids that is just to fast, the weird part is most of the speeders live in those new houses'.

Everybody be careful out there. See Ya one of these days. Sam & Donna..


  1. SO glad you found some pictures for your nosy blog friends :) You looked GREAT in your uniform! I bet when you got home, Donna would make you keep wearing it so she could stare at you across the dining room table :)

    Loved the motorcycle picture! I've sat on a motorcycle before, but never have gone for a spin on one. Bummer!

  2. Great pictures Sam. You have a lot to be proud of. Stay warm.

  3. LOVED the uniformed officer pictures...Something about a man in uniform that turns him into a "chick magnet"...Our son-in-law can wear street clothes now that he is detective...but I think he secretly misses his black and white..and the uniform...

  4. Always good to keep those great photos from yesteryear. A fine career of many uniforms for sure plus a nice feeling inside for you knowing you stayed on the right side of the law for all those years & provided a no nonsense service for those who didn't.....:))

  5. Morning Sam & Donna, just checking out you blog again and saw the shout-out (Gymonr) thanks so much, love your blog too. I also ride motorcycles, saw your photo, both of my ridding buddies ride used cop bikes. I’ll be following along. PS my friends call me Big Al
    Until next time…
    Big Al

  6. Morning Sam & Donna, just checking out you blog again and saw the shout-out (Gymonr) thanks so much, love your blog too. I also ride motorcycles, saw your photo, both of my ridding buddies ride used cop bikes. I’ll be following along. PS my friends call me Big Al
    Until next time…
    Big Al

  7. Really enjoyed the photos from your "uniform" days. So great to hear that Sadie and Riggs are getting along so well and that she has decided she loves you. The photo of Riggs with his paw over Sadie is adorable. OMG that header photo of the snow is so sad - sure hope you can escape next winter.

  8. Hmmm?? That picture of you sitting on a motorcycle sure looks familiar. I've been followed and pulled over by a guy who looked like that!!

  9. Great pictures Sam. You look like you were made for that bike, it suits you well. I don't think Donna has changed at all since Adam was a baby.

    Glad Riggs did so well at the vet's and is back to fine form.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  10. Hi Sam, You were really in law enforcement! I like Nellie's comment about Donna making you keep your uniform on! That is funny but there is something definitely about a uniform. Glad Riggs is doing well. He is such a good boy! I like the look of your blog. Like the changes. That header picture is great. Good to see where you live and what its like in the winter. I like it! Thanks for your comments at A Camp Host's Meanderings! Take care, Levonne

  11. Quite the Dude!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
