Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday Musings

We were up at our usual, had coffee, and then at 6:30AM I put Rigg’s in the truck and took him to the Vet. I told him not worry, when Boy dogs get to Heaven they get their testicles back and are free to chase the girls forever after, So it was a lie, He doesn’t know it. He was scheduled early for his surgery and the Vet said if he was awake enough he would be able to come home tonight.

As you can guess I was restless all day with my buddy going under the knife. but at about 03:00PM I got the call that all had gone well in the morning and that he had just woke up and he would be able to be picked up after 4:00PM.

I got there at about 04:15PM and got his pain killers and instructions and then out he came like a drunk with one of those things over his head like a big cone, the Vet said to keep it on except when he eats for at least 5 days, so he doesn’t bother his stitches, I told her when the anesthetic wears off he’s out of that thing he won’t keep it on unless you can weld it on. She said well then you will have to watch him until those stitched areas is healed. Anyway 5 minutes after he was in the door even groggy he had gotten the cone off. Then he was happy and laid down next my chair and went to sleep.

Rigg's 01-05-11a

Rigg’s a little lighter than when he left, and sedated.

But the good news is we have our Rigg’s home and in a few days he will be good as new.

Hey NELLIE, just wanted you to know My Italian Grandmother had the wooden spoon of all time, it was canning spoon, used also for caning, she passed it on to my Mom who gave it to my wife Donna where it now hangs in a place of honor in our kitchen, after keeping 5 generations of boys in mortal fear of it. here’s a picture.


To give it perspective, the baton next to it is a 36in. Riot Baton. The Baton on the right is a St Louis PD issue Rosewood with Chrome end caps. Neither of which is authorized for use by today's Defensive Standards.

Well that’s about it for now, I am now on nurse duty with Rigg’s, but it look’s like he is zonked out for awhile. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna…..


  1. Glad to hear that Riggs is doing well. What's that about an Italian grandmother? No wonder there's something special about you.

    The Italian in Florida

  2. Sending Riggs best wishes from the Bayfield Bunch in southeastern Arizona. Speedy recovery laddy:))

  3. So glad all went well with Riggs at the vet...though he probably will be wondering what the heck happened.

    Loved the spoon....I can see how that would keep a few boys in line.

    Take care and hello to Donna!

  4. Glad to hear Riggs is home and resting after his traumatic day!

  5. welcome home Riggs!..hope you are up and running around in no time!..Cones are for whimps!..good for you for taking it off!..
    Tucker :)

  6. Labs are notorious for getting into things and out of things! Hope he has sweet puppy dreams. My Shadow could escape out of a horse stall and could open the cupboard & the peanut butter jar for a midnight snack! I won't mention the (neighbor's) dinner plate she presented to me one night!

  7. Poor little Riggs. I hope he felt okay when the sedative wore off. He'll be as good as new soon. I'm glad Sadie is taking to you better. It's really tough when a dog is shy and won't warm up to you.
    Glad to hear Donna is on the mend. A woman I work with has been sick, and it's no fun!

  8. Big spoon. You'd need to be a strong woman to wield it... just saying.

    Glad to hear Riggs is home and well. Now where did I see that comfy cone for dogs ... Ahha! on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003NKGM10/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=1278548962&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000XY9022&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0RVF2N5YCJRD33ZNVZG9

    If you can work that out.


  9. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Riggs! Dad is really gonna have to watch you that you leave the back end alone for a couple of days!

  10. Duke wants Riggs to know that HE got a whole bag of french fries after he had his surgery!

    Jus sayin'

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  11. Just catching up on all the past posts that I have missed due to lack of good internet.

    Glad to hear that Rigg's did well with his surgery. I am sure he will be back to his normal self in no time. Whiskey says to say hi to him and she said she hates those cones too. The vet couldn't even keep one on her.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey
