Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday News.

Sunday is a travel day, we left the campground in the Sandwich area at 10:00AM and it was already sunny 85 and humid, we headed west across highway 34 to the interstate. We stopped at a Wally world on the way for a couple things.

Once on Interstate 39, we headed north towards Wisconsin, as we approached the Wisconsin border we started seeing dark clouds north of us,about 50 mile into Wisconsin the rain started.in the first 100 miles it went from 80 to 70 degrees, in the second hundred miles it went down to 60 degrees. Rain all the way we finally arrive At Steveo & Karen's outside of Oconto Wisconsin about 05:00PM in a pouring rain. All we did was extend the slide and plug in the electric and left the truck hooked up and went in to a great BBQ of Burgers and Braughts, Karen had a friend Linda who was visiting so we got to meet another new friend, About 9:00PM we called it a night and both of us along with Rigg’s called it a night. We slept like babies in a nice cool no A/C needed fiver.

No pictures today, Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.


  1. Our weekend was a busy one, but everyone left Sunday...Glad you made it to Wisconsin OK....Have fun...

  2. Its no fun to travel in hard rain. Glad you all made is safely to Steve and Karen's home. You all enjoy visiting!!

  3. Now that you are in Wisconsin, where's the cheese?
