Was up at the usual 04:30AM and had coffee with my bride.Then she was off to the truck company. When I went in the bedroom, I found that Rigg’s had again beat me to it, and was already sound asleep, taking half of my side of the bed. He had to be shoved over so I could lay down.
Adam was off school today so my son Andy went to pick him up at 10AM. As soon as he got here he went and got the xbox out of his Dad’s room, Andy had taken it from the family room last week. Then it was setup again in the family room and Adam was back in business, soon as he signed on he found one of his friends was on and the games began.
Rigg’s wrote another memo to his friends and asked that I include it in today’s blog.
I know I haven’t written in a while, and this is a short one…will get Mom to type a longer
One for me later. I would but my paws are just too big.
Anyway things around the house were a bit strange for a few days. Dad and Andy were very nervous
And upset about something, I could just feel it. Well that made me nervous….that’s why I got
Into the trash and spread it all over the kitchen and living room…Honest…just pure nerves.
And Sadie has been hogging all my Mom’s attention. Anyway turns out Mom needed some type
Of heart procedure and wasn’t feeling very well..so I jumped strait into nurse mode. Mom was home
For 5 days, never had her be here that long before. But hey even though I didn’t get my “mom’s home
From work treat “ everyday it was nice having her here…I stayed right by her. On floor next to bed.
Oh alright, I got up on the bed, but hey that way I could watch her better. My nephew Ralphie sent her
A nice picture and said he hoped it would make her smile, which it did.

Hi Grandma, get well soon.
Well Mom is back to work and all is well..but I must say all that nursing really can wear a guy out.

So think I’ll it some rest now.
More later….Riggins
What a guy that Rigg’s, Tonight at least for Adam, Andy , Samantha & I will be pizza night. I forgot to take the frozen dough out so we will have some store bought pizza’s. Oh well,I told Donna if she didn’t want pizza, to pick up something she would like on the way home. Donna is not big on pizza and we had it once last week so I figured I would give her the option. Adam & I can have it as much as we want, we are both pizza hounds.
Just got a picture from my Grandaughter Allie in New Jersey, she is in her second year of college and working at a seafood Restaurant,

Allie and her pet snake Cuddles.
Today is another sunny but colder day here at the Ranch, it looks like we will have a high around 40, But stay sunny and bright.Slowly but surely the days are clicking by and I am in the can’t wait for the middle of April to get here. I am going to go around and research tires for the fiver soon.We have Maxxi’s on it now, but I would like maybe to move up one load range. Just for added safety.
While I have the wheels off I will repack the wheel bearings and do a brake and magnet check. That will get it ready for our trip to Florida. It had always been a good tower, and I have never had any tire or brake problems in the 4 years we have had it.
Better give equal time to another Grand and her pet, here is Katie my son Tims, girlfriends daughter they also live in New Jersey.

Katie & Luger her dog, Luger is a Drathaar and a heck of a bird dog. He looks to be about the same size as Rigg’s maybe a little smaller.
Well that’s about it for today, I hope everyone is having a great day, remember Just be careful out there. Sam & Donna…