Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Happenings.

Was up early with my bride for coffee, then she was then off to the truck company and then the restaurant. I was surprised at 05:00PM yesterday when I heard the garage door open and close and Donna came in. They had mistakenly scheduled to much help at the restaurant so since she had the most seniority she took the cut and went home, I felt bad because I had made a small frozen lasagna for me and it was just about gone when she walked in, she said no problem, I can find something to throw together around here.

The John Deere dealer called and said the parts should come to about $90 dollars and the labor for getting the stud out would add another $100 to $125 dollars to the cost for repairs, he said the parts should be in Monday and it should be done then and he would call.

Got a pleasant surprise at 03:30PM today, Nicky was at the door and she is staying for supper with us.


               Nicole & Sadie 01-04-12.

Boy did Sadie and Grandpa miss her, she said she is doing well in school and has lots of activities.As usual she gets cuter every time I see her.

Today was warmer than yesterday with the temps in the low 80’s, can’t help to think how long this Indian Summer weather will last.

I will probably winterize the trailer this weekend. and have my Son and his girlfriend put the cover on it. Since I am to heavy to get on the roof and my foot problems don’t help either.

Not much else doing around the Ranch here in Dardenne Prairie, Samantha made the grocery run today and save me the trip.  Hope everyone is having a great week. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……..


  1. Hey Sam its 49 deg here at 5 0 clock trade you.

  2. Always kinda sad when it comes time to winterize the rig. One of these days you will just drive it south instead of winterizing it.

  3. Not a bad price for that job, Sam, considering it's a John Deere dealer.

  4. I think our Indian summer is over as tomorrow the highs are only supposed to be in the 50's.

  5. Dennis is winterizing our fiver this weekend..We have a freeze warning tonight..Big whoop.
