Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Happenings.

Was up early and and coffee with my bride, then she was off to the truck company and then the restaurant. Adam slept in since he stays up late with his Xbox and then watching TV. When there’s no school he enjoys that.

Before I forget I have several new followers I want to Welcome. FULLTIME RVER’S, I didn’t see a blog listed for them. RICK &KATHY ROUSSEAU, and NAN & JOHN, no blog listed for them either. Since blogger keeps changing the number of followers it makes it hard to keep track of the changes. It says we have 159 followers now. I hope you all enjoy reading about the goings on here at the Weeb Ranch as we wait it out until Donna can retire and we can get this show on the road, Welcome aboard and enjoy your ride when we do head out on our trips.

Today is another gorgeous sunny day with a temp supposed to be in the low 80’s. I just know that will be coming to a screeching halt here soon.In fact this should be the last warm day with a high of 50 predicted for the next 4 days and lows right at freezing. Looks like Indian Summer is bidding us goodbye.

Yesterday John Deere and I along with Adam cut the back acre. I will do the front and side today with Adam and then that will be it for this season. with the temps falling it will be short enough for the winter. I will wait and maybe next week pull the deck off and put the plow and accessories on for the winter. I keep hoping for a mild winter like we had last year, but still need John ready to go just in case.

Our Canadian friends Kevin and Ruth will be arriving for a short visit either tomorrow or Saturday. We look forward to seeing them as they head south to get back to Sherman in Mexico.

I am trying to find a nice wooden cane to see if it will help me with walking when I have the neuropathy pain in my feet. Went to Walgreens but the cheapest one they had was $25 and I didn’t feel like spending that much. So now I will check out the Goodwill and resale shops.

Got a couple of pictures of my Granddaughter Allie riding her horse Dude,on the beach in Brick New Jersey where she lives. Looks like they were both having fun.


Allie & Dude on the beach10-12d

                          Allie & Dude.


                        The End.

Donna has always enjoyed horseback riding, I prefer something that is powered by internal combustion either gas or diesel.

Have to make a quick run to the store this afternoon. The emergency low beer warning light came on on the fridge last night, I managed to silence the klaxon horn with the reset button but the light (orange flashing) will stay on until another 30 pack is put inside. Plus I am going to get some Moosehead Beer for my Canadian guests so they feel at home.

Not much else going on here at the Ranch today, Will be heading out on John as soon as I finish this and getting Adam started on it too.e just needs to see what path to take and then he’s good to go on his own.

Everyone have a great day, and be safe out there. Sam & Donna…


  1. Love the horse by the ocean photos...Hey, not to be nosy, but are you on medicare?..If so, your Doc may be able to say you need a cane, and Dreadicare would help pay for one...just a thought..

    1. No I won't be eligible for medicare until April of next year, Donna will be a year later in August, She is a year younger than me.I was hoping somebody I knew had one in a closet from somebody that died, but so far no luck.Thanks for the thought though. Sam.....

  2. You can get Moosehead beer?? That's awesome!
    It's the first thing my son-in-law hands me when we set foot back home.

  3. Hey Sam, have you tried Goodwill or a Thrift Store for a cane? They often have a lot of that stuff hanging around.

  4. Walmart has a lost and found department. Go there and tell them you lost your cane. They have hundreds and you can choose the one you want.
    Did you try benfotiamine for your feet? Along with Alpha Lipoic Acid and evening primrose oil, it helps a lot. Also cutting out meat and dairy. That helps even more.

    1. I ordered some Benfotiamine and some Alpha Lipoic Acid right after you suggested it. got it from Vitacost. Seems to be helping. I seem to have good days and bad days.Thanks again for letting me know about it. Sam....

  5. Keep track of what you eat before you feet hurt. My mother (93 yo suffers if she has sugar, but I seem fine, sugar or not. You never know. Just gotta keep experimenting with different foods and vitamins.
