Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday Happenings.

Here we are a gorgeous day in Dardenne Prairie, Sunny high in the low 80’s. Donna went out to do a little shopping. I took John Deere out for a spin and finished the grass cutting.

Trying to get Donna to do as little as possible, I think her outing was a little hard on her so she is relaxing and trying to get her breathing easier.

How about a couple of throwbacks.


            Donna & Andy l990, Andy is 32 now.

John Zensen&Sam1990

John Zensen & Sam, Partners. Dellwood PD 1990.

That’s about it for today hoping for a better day for Donna tomorrow. Be safe . Sam &Donna…………


  1. Glad to hear Donna is back home, sure hope she doesn't push herself too far too fast. Love those throwbacks!


  2. You may just have to sit on that bride of yours to slow her down.
