To All my American Blogger friends.”Is this a Great Country or what”. Thank God for chance to be in the. “Home of the Free”.
Of all our holidays in the summer months, I believe the 4th of July is my favorite, I always reminds me that this country was founded to give everyone yearning for freedom a chance at a new life like my emigrant Grandparents. Remember what Miss Liberty herself proclaims.” Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these the homeless, the tempest tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.”Emma Lazarus…..
I pray that we have succeeded and continue to be the Home of the Free and the brave.
Today started at 04:30Am with coffee with my bride, then she was off to the truck company.
The kid’s stayed around the house today since Andy and Samantha are taking them to a 4th of July BBQ at one of Andy’s friends house complete with swimming and fireworks. They don’t plan on leaving until 04:30PM and then will make a big night of it.
Donna said she was going to stop for a haircut on the way home from work and I stayed in and kept the truck in the garage all day.
Don’t have much planned for tomorrow Donna is off from the truck company but still has a shift at the restaurant, they are counting on people going out to eat, rather than cook on this middle of the week holiday.
I am pretty sure Lake Sherwood canceled their fireworks display due to the dry weather, The county hasn’t put a complete ban in effect and ordinary people are still shooting them off, but all the major cities have cancelled out ,most must be afraid of liability if a major fire were started.
I am going to wait and then get a spot for next week out at the Lake and camp for the week. I spend about the same for food and it is cheap and the Grand Kids love to swim.
Probably go watch the 4th of July parade in O’Fallon in the morning, we used to have the most heart stopping fly by at low altitude of the Air Guard F-15’s right up Main St during this parade every year. But a couple of years ago they moved from Lambert Field in St Louis, to a base out near Kansas City, so we don’t see them anymore.
Today we were at 98 and now for the next four days its back to 103 for the highs, not complaining though.
This is why…..
That’s about it today from the Weeb Ranch in beautiful Dardenne Prairie MO. I hope all my friends have a great 4th Holiday, Our Canadian friends beat us to it by celebrating Canada Day on the weekend. We are Happy for them too. Two of the Greatest Country’s in the world and next door neighbors to boot.
Be safe out there. Sam & Donna……