Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Meanderings.

Was up early to a nice day sunny and cool. I got a call from the drugstore that I had a prescription ready so I got in the truck and it would not start again, I hadn’t used it yesterday but it was running when I backed it into it’s spot. So when you run out of aces, you seek professional help, I did notice a fuel drip underneath so maybe there is a bad fitting or cracked line, Anyway I called the insurance man and he said he would have a tow truck over in an hour, I then called Kohr’s Diesel and told them what was going on and that the truck would be towed in. We used to have all our diesel shuttle busses repaired their when I drove for OATS so I know it’s a reputable garage. This is the first it has had to be towed in since we bought it 9 years ago and it has 120.000 miles on it so I guess I don’t have any complaints.


                          Do I look happy.


                    See Ya when your fixed.

Thought Donna might have to work tonight but they called back and said the person who was broke down would be in so she will have her normal Monday night off.

Other than being a one car family for a little while nothing else is going on here at the Ranch, Rigg’s and Sadie  are both enjoying being out in the cooler temps,it got up to 72 from a low of 47 this morning. Just a gorgeous su8nny fall day.

That’s a bout it for today, Please be safe out there. Sam & Donna…….


  1. I do not think there is anything more frustrating than vehicle trouble. Sorry you are having your problems.

  2. Hope they get it back to 100% again quickly and inexpensively!
