Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Happenings

A start to a good day, coffee was at the usual 04:30am, Donna was up even though she was off today, I wanted to accomplish at least two things, fix the light fixture over the island cook station, the socket for the bulb needed rep[lacing however it was a three wire socket and I didn't have one in the garage, so that meant a trip to Home depot, also the kitchen faucet had one of those pull out hoses and the metal wrap had come loose from the rubber hose, so it needed to be replaced before it broke completely.

I went and got the needed parts and started the socket job, that went smoothly and Rigg's couldn't help because I was on top of a chair to get the needed height for the job.

The kitchen faucet was another matter since now I was down in his territory and so he became the supervisor,


           "Can I help, Please, Please, let me help."

As you can see with the proper help the job usually takes twice as long, he also enjoyed sneaking up and licking the wet T-shirt.

Rigg's mentioned he hasn't had much time in the blog since we got back from camping so I told him I would put a couple of his picture's in. Especially after I showed him Jodie & Coco's blog page Jodie & Coco, about there trip to Alaska with their Dad & Mom Paul & Helen's Travels  so of course he wanted his picture in the blog.

Donna&Rigg's 05-30-10

                  My Mom & Me camping



This Morning Dad was having coffee, I checked to see if he would take over Guard Duty, then I crashed at his feet where I know it's safe. Dad is a big guy.

Dad said we are going on a trip to Cincinnati camping next month he said the campground is near he Ohio River and that me and him will go to the river so I can swim in it. See Jodie& Coco, my Dad lets me swim too. Mom & Adam will be going to and we will visit Uncle Pat and Aunt Kathy.

Al from  The Bayfield Bunch had a picture of one of his dog's with a look of utter concentration on his face yesterday in his blog, Although I am way out of his league as far as photography goes, I remembered a shot I had of Adam and Rigg's at Christmas cookie time.

Adam&Riggeb12-19-09a.jpg                            Adam & Rigg's

Okay Rigg's you moment in the spotlight is over, you can go back to the kitchen now.

Donna just left for her Saturday night at the restaurant so I will say goodbye for now, be safe out there. Sam & Donna.



  1. I agree, Al's pics cannot be beat. Totally amazing. But Sam, yours aren't bad either. You always capture the moment pefectly. Just like that last pic of Adam and Riggs. Have a good weekend.

  2. What a talented dog Riggs is! I didn't know he was a plumber...or a supervisor of plumbing.

  3. Looks like Riggs was really excited about helping you under the sink. Good for him! Glad you had such good help. :)

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  4. Dog's are such a joy to have as part of the family & we love them dearly. Wouldn't leave home without them. They are a source of never ending entertainment each & every day. Your pics are great, just keep them coming:))
