Riggins with little brother Charlie and little sister Sadie.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday musings

Adam came back last night, and is off to school, Donna came home last night sick and took off today to see if she can go to the doctors, she thinks she had a kidney infection. Still haven’t heard from Trailways if a trip is planned for this week.

A couple of readers asked about my snaps for the covers that I mentioned yesterday, so I will post a couple of pictures to make it easy, The snap kits are available at most hardware stores, I had to buy a card of them at Home Depot to replace the  two snaps I was missing. I have a tray full of snaps but invariable when it comes time to do a job you will run out of the one you need. The card comes with the tool you need to rivet them together, Only other things you need is a hard surface and a hammer.



                                                Snap kit


Living room cover, Make a hole and rivet a snap in each corner. Then take small screws and put the other snap on the plastic trim piece after lining them up with the top.


Bedroom cover, this one slips inside the vent and stays put by friction, it was about twice the price of the other cover,but it does a better job of keeping the light out of the bedroom.

The whole job only takes about 15 or 20 minutes and is not bad looking when its finished.

Were looking at sunny and in the 70’s for the rest of the week so, that means me and my buddy John(Deere) will be seeing each other.

Not much going on other than the wash having to get done and other chores, This won’t change much after we hit the road.

Be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

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